A useless post - Just to keep my blog alive :)
Sometimes I wonder if my last two years can be permanently deleted from my life chronicles ? First of all why am I thinking of such rubbish ? Is it because I have gotten head weight after securing admit to the Best B-school in India? Was my tenure at TCS so bad that I can never mention it anywhere? Definitely No.
And why does these two years specifically seem insipid to me? Is it because I haven't accomplished as much I did during my academic life? If that was it, is it a problem with me or TCS? Or is it simply a compatibility issue that I find it difficult to plug-in with my fellow TCSers?
One thought led me to another... and another... instead of rubbing my past two years, if i could rub off my four years @ Anna University? Would that have made a difference?? voila! this question holds the key to all the answers... If it had been this way, then I might have struggled a lot to get the same job with TCS. May be I wouldn't have had big dreams right away and appreciated every small things that TCS had to offer an entry level graduate. That would have pushed me to perform better and look for every opportunity to prove myself. I learnt this valuable lesson from some of my mates in TCS.
I realised that how much ever I want my life to be ordered, that much it gets deviated. So why plan it ahead? We have all wasted our precious time before.. I mean whatelse could we have done when we were one-year-olds.. :) does anyone repent for that? So no matter how much ever time I may consider wasted I still have enough to make a difference in this world. There's something to be learned from every moment in our lives. Its called EXPERIENCE.. And I have had enough of that in TCS. The future has got much more to offer and there's no time to crib over the past. Anyone with the passion and determination will no doubt rule the world. What say??
Thats really true... if we consider our 2 great epics ramayana and mahabharatha, the former teaches good by showing us the good while the later teaches good by showing us the bad... so let it be good or bad experience what we learn is always the good. The same way i felt when i was at verizon...
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